I have always been a huge believer in the law of attraction.
Growing up I remember running around the house taking photos with throw away camera's; which I would go through about 3 a week(At the age of 5, this was quite a lot). At the age of 7 I received my first camera, which was a yellow and green Crayola one and at the age of 10 I received my first digital canon camera, which literally lived in my hands. I took hundreds of pictures a day and was even labeled as paparazzi of my high school. Though I was provided with so many obvious signs of my love for photography, I neglected the idea of an arts based career and ended up attending University for Psychology.It wasn't until my best friend(now my boyfriend of three years), gave me a Canon 7D for christmas along with "How to books" and told me my heart wasn't in the right place.
He was right. Now three years later and months away from graduating from the Creative Photography Program at Humber College my journey has begun.
"You become what you think about most... But you also attract what you think about most."-John Assaraf